Tag Archive | heart

More from David Wilkerson at Hope House Cebu, Philippines

We had some donations come in we usually don’t get, so that is why you have seen some things going on here… I made a move while we had it. It’s all gone now, but hopefully people will see what we are doing, and enough support will come in to keep it going. That’s what we pray for.

I have 9 or 10 people working at the café, and these are people who had no job. I work around the moms having to take kids to school and etc etc… The jobs are very tight here and employers are very demanding. That leaves no room for moms with children, older people above age 24, not attractive and so on and so forth… little education.

So we have a real jobs program going on here now. The young and older are also learning to bake and cook and that will expand. For example Jericho is learning cooking skills. These are real skills used in the real world, and this is really huge to lift them up.

The second big piece going on here is our starting a school re-entry program to put street children who are not in school, into school. The plan is to also grow our school into a stand alone accredited school, but for now it is a re-entry program to get them into a structure, cleaned up and learning and then placed in public school in May of each year… and keep them in school.

We of course need a lot of help, that goes without saying, but I just wanted to re-cap what is going on…..

In the photo are street children, some of whom will be in our program.

From my friends David & Ailene Wilkerson at Hope House Cebu, Philippines


We are currently raising money for a Homeless Children’s Day Center. We will be identifying the children to form a record and tracking them to prevent sexual exploitation. We will be feeding, passing out clothes and providing showers as well as medical attention. We also will be putting them in school with all their school needs met. In addition, we will have bible studies, and work with the adults on their addiction and other issues. Our goal is to save the children and bring them into our faith family, so they have access to education, support and protection from predators.

The reason we set up this GoFundMe site, is to give an option other than pay pal at our other donation site which is at http://www.empowered.org/support-for-a-child–or-general-donation

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My name is David M Wilkerson, and my wife and I have been doing missionary work here in Cebu, Philippines since May 2010.  I am from the United States, and lived in Seattle 10 years prior to coming here.

My wife and I live in one of the poverty areas here and we also work in other poverty areas. We established Hope Christian Church and the families we raise money for also live in our area.

One of our primary goals is that the children are supported in school. We supply their uniforms, supplies and provide funds for ongoing school projects or homework which is weekly.

We feed the children in the poverty areas, and also feed the children who are living on the streets. We also have a feeding program at our church.

Hope House Cebu – Pt 1

We have recently expanded our ministry with outreach to more street children, trafficking victims, and children in severe poverty in the Alaska barangay, Carbon, Duljo, and Sawang Calero/Pasil barangays. We have an ongoing critical need for food and basic items.

Truthfully, I don’t like to ask, I wish I was a billionaire, and I wish we had many businesses, but we don’t. I don’t make a dime on any of this other than meet my basic survival needs. After 7 years it still affects me terribly that I can’t feed more children, help with medical needs, and get more children in school with ongoing support. I know the world is filled with needs, and we aren’t the only ones.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration.

Plexus Powerhouse Combos! Stay Fit! Stay Healthy!

Want to have a powerhouse immune system as we start the “sicky” season!? Plexus Xfactor and ProBio 5 will do the trick!!

Need help keeping those Holiday pounds at bay? Plexus Block will prevent 48% of those delicious carbs from turning into glucose in your body thus preventing the extra weight from creeping on.

And if you need some extra energy and focus and maybe a little appetite suppressant, consider Plexus Edge.

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“Her child was stolen through a corrupt legal system… “

Reclaiming My Health

I’m a mom of 5 children in my 40’s. It wasn’t very long ago that I was able to do pretty much anything I wanted or needed to do without major repercussions. But many things have contributed to a decline in my health over the years, especially the last 4 years. Stress and some traumatic events led to an increase in medical issues related to heart, lungs, kidneys, thyroid, digestive disorders (such as severe reflux, internal bleeding, IBS) to name a few.
To make a long story short, I came close to death more than a few times, and for about a year, I was nearly completely bedridden. (2013-2014)  I knew that God had more for me, and I believed He would restore me to health. I did things to help the process, such as …eliminating stress as much as possible, physical rest and self-care, lots of water, adding in natural remedies to my diet such as liquid aloe, apple cider vinegar, spirulina, chlorella, and a product called Cellfood. These things seemed to help to an extent, but was really hard to keep up and quite costly.
Then, about 6 weeks ago, a friend told me about something she was using called Plexus. She told me about all the benefits she and her daughter were experiencing, and shared other testimonies with me, so I decided to give it a try.

My results surprised me… because within the first 3 days, I noticed a significant reduction in my reflux symptoms, and within the first week, I was able to sleep on my back for short periods of time without pain! Something I’d not done in YEARS!! I experienced about a 75% reduction in my reflux issues within the first 2 or 3 weeks!
Now, I have recently experienced a slight flareup, because my husband bought me a Dr Pepper, and I tried to drink it… I consumed about 8 ounces of it and decided I didn’t need to finish it. But that was enough to aggravate my symptoms and set me back a little. But still, not as severe as it was.
I am also now about to mow my yard without stopping every 3 minutes to recover oxygen. I can now mow for about 20 minutes at a time, because one of the thing that Plexus products do is that it oxygenates the body. I don’t know it you’ve ever felt like you were suffocating, even while you are breathing…. but many times, that is how I felt. But these days, that is becoming a thing of the past – THANK GOD!!
I plan to write more about my progress from time to time…. but it is late, and I’m going to post this and add to this later.
Good night and may God bless and keep you!