More from David Wilkerson at Hope House Cebu, Philippines

We had some donations come in we usually don’t get, so that is why you have seen some things going on here… I made a move while we had it. It’s all gone now, but hopefully people will see what we are doing, and enough support will come in to keep it going. That’s what we pray for.

I have 9 or 10 people working at the café, and these are people who had no job. I work around the moms having to take kids to school and etc etc… The jobs are very tight here and employers are very demanding. That leaves no room for moms with children, older people above age 24, not attractive and so on and so forth… little education.

So we have a real jobs program going on here now. The young and older are also learning to bake and cook and that will expand. For example Jericho is learning cooking skills. These are real skills used in the real world, and this is really huge to lift them up.

The second big piece going on here is our starting a school re-entry program to put street children who are not in school, into school. The plan is to also grow our school into a stand alone accredited school, but for now it is a re-entry program to get them into a structure, cleaned up and learning and then placed in public school in May of each year… and keep them in school.

We of course need a lot of help, that goes without saying, but I just wanted to re-cap what is going on…..

In the photo are street children, some of whom will be in our program.

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